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It Is Possible

It Is Possible

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Our past experiences tend to influence the future paths we journey.  While I was putting myself through college, my mother was rear ended in a car accident involving a drunk driver. Thankfully it was not fatal, however she did suffer debilitating injuries that prevented her from performing the physical labor necessary in running her janitorial company.


The car insurance claim check wasn't even enough to cover the replacement of her totaled vehicle and the greatest of health insurance plans don't replace lost income.  Everyday expenses remained a responsibility and unfortunately the physical and financial stress was too big of a burden to overcome. After 2 hard fought years of trying to heal and recover - she was forced to file for medical bankruptcy because of an accident caused by someone else.  I didn't know how insurance worked and I was shocked to learn these types of things are fairly common - with more than 50% of all home foreclosures in the U.S. being due to medical expenses. It was through this difficult life experience that I realized my calling in purpose - to advocate, educate and protect as many other families that would listen to my message and allow me to help them.


I passed my insurance exam in the spring of 2000 and upon graduating from Centre College, I moved to Louisville, KY to begin helping companies with their benefit programs.  

My driving purpose is straight forward: Helping employers and employees break free of a status quo that perversely profits from confusion, inefficiency and lack of transparency.


The changing benefits landscape is an opportunity for me to help employers lower costs and improve benefits. Allowing them to keep more of their profits while helping their employees keep more of their paycheck. A new frontier where employers and employees alike - stop overpaying and are better positioned to protect their family's well-being today and in the future.


I don’t believe in the “one-size-fits-all” approach. It's appropriate to begin with the end in mind - where benefit offerings and solutions are thoughtfully tailored.  Tailored to each employer's needs better satisfying their employee's unique wants. This dual aim is a crucial part of the benefits blueprint for achieving better health and better financial outcomes. 


Below are just a few reasons I've been given from companies whom I've recently met with and decided it was time to have a conversation outside of their current broker:

  • Concerned with the possibility of overpaying on premiums - a compounding problem

  • Frustrated with the Status Quo - taking a "less bad"renewal with last minute decisions year after year

  • Had compliance questions and needed top of mind guidance to help avoid potential fiduciary liability

  • Growing challenge in managing the processes of employee enrollment and effectively communicating the “value” of benefits as part of employee compensation

  • Required a pro-active advisor bridging technology, quantitative data, human capital and concierge-type services to best help the company and their employees successfully navigate the complex and confusing Health Care landscape

  • Felt their loyalty to their long-time broker wasn't being fairly reciprocated - not getting the adequate attention and timely service from a tenured and experienced team 

If any of the above resonates or could be a possible concern - perhaps we should chat just to see if what I'm doing could be of possible help to you. 

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Contact me today if you would like to have a conversation just to see if what my team and I are doing could be of possible help.

During our chat we'll be able to ask each other questions and I'll listen to your specific needs - truly listening and understanding where you are at, where you've been and where you'd possibly like to go.  Only then will it be appropriate for me to share some of my perspective and the proprietary platforms that are helping small, medium and large companies attract and retain top talent - while reducing their overall benefits & healthcare spend.  

Joey Bickley
Bickley Insurance Inc.

P.O. Box 414
Mt. Washington, KY 40047

(502) 553-6551

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Control Costs
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Finding a Mutual Benefit - It Has to Make Sense for All of Us

Reform, regulation and renewal date changes have resulted in a MAJOR bottleneck - where a lot of employers these days are looking for help and wanting guidance at the exact same time - typically during the last 90 days of the year.  

Just to be transparent - I can't be of help to everyone and for the greater good - I have to be selective of the clients I bring on to help. For real change to occur, employers have to think beyond the traditional commodity and transactional mindset - admittedly brought about because of the status quo and abundance of complacency within my profession.


The value I deliver as a strategic partner is helping companies see what's possible - taking their benefits strategy from an obligation to an opportunity.  An opportunity for companies to take back control of their health care costs so they can keep more of their profits and allow their employees to keep more of their paycheck.  


Yes, I shop all the available market options - having access to some that are unique and propriety to my agency. Yes, we provide great service. But shouldn't those be a given - an expectation and standard within all agencies?  


If you're ready to move beyond the antiquated industry standard of "quoting carriers" from the "top agencies" that proclaim "best in class service" - towards a more intentional and deliberate approach with someone who listens, understands and helps craft a benefits blueprint with the end in mind - connect with me to see if an initial conversation might make sense.

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